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Can I Really Afford CBCT?

David Hanning
Posted by David Hanning on Apr 7, 2016 3:31:19 PM

IMoney_-_Can_I_afford_CBCT.jpgf you are considering a cone beam CT scanner, you likely have a big question. Can you afford it? CBCT is all the rage right now, but it’s also expensive. There are several factors you need to examine in order to determine if you can afford CBCT. This includes the true cost of CBCT, as well as options to recoup the investment.

The True Cost of CBCT

First, you need to think about the true cost of CBCT. In some cases, it goes beyond paying for the machine. You might have to upgrade your hardware and add software in order to utilize the machine. In addition, some distributors charge a yearly maintenance fee that ranges from $3,000 all the way up to $20,000. Take that into consideration when determining if you can afford CBCT. Otherwise, you might experience sticker shock when you add one of these machines to your office.

While that might sound overwhelming, there are some ways that you can offset the cost. If you can take advantage of one of these options, you can likely afford the machine.

High Volume Equals Lease Payments

It’s important to understand that you probably won’t have to pay for the machine outright. Instead, you will make monthly lease payments.

If you take in a high volume of patients, you can make the lease payments easily. You can charge $200 to $300 per scan, so as long as you keep moving people through the door, you won’t have a problem making the payments. 

Rent Your Machine

You can also make the payments by renting your machine out to other professionals in the area. Network with other dentists and have them refer patients to you when they need a CBCT scan. Once the scan is finished, you can forward the results to the dentist. You will get a payment for the scan, and the dentist will be able to serve his or her patients better.

You need great networking skills for this to work. Dentists have to be able to trust you or they won’t refer patients to you. If they think that you will swoop in and steal the patients, they will keep their patients all for themselves.

If you use your CBCT scanner correctly, it is absolutely worth the money. You can afford it, and you can even recoup your investment quickly. Start the process by adding up exactly how much it will cost. Then, you will know if you can get the full return on your investment in-house or if you need to rent your machine out to other dentists. If you need to rent it out, come up with a networking plan so you can get everything up and running as soon as your new CBCT scanner arrives. You will serve your patients better and you will be able to make your lease payments easily as long as you follow your plan. If you're considering making the investment in CBCT you should download our free investment guide. It will help you ask the questions necessary to making an educated purchase decision. 

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Topics: CBCT, 3D Imaging, Cone Beam, Dental Technology

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